Solutions, onsite and networks fuel stations management
Fuel retail stations are usually composed of a forecourt with canopy where fuel dispensers, a convenience store and separate constructions are positioned. In many cases, on the forecourt there are islands for services where air inflators are installed, vacuum cleaners for cars, etc.
Some of the fuel stations have special places for car-wash equipment as well. All retail fuel stations feature a POS system which is installed inside the storage which is directly connected with the fuel dispensers.
Fusion–controller with software
Whether it is basic Forecourt Control, ATG, Wetstock Management, Media delivery, Remote Management or a full POS connected automation server, Fusion delivers a flexible and scalable solution for your retail fueling operation. Offering subscription-based, customer configurable, and remotely deployable solutions, Fusion is the only customer-centered solution that can grow and expand with your business needs.Fusion has many advantages:

The Fusion Automation Server provides a scalable solution that is configurable to your forecourt and convenience store needs. Fusion comes out-of-the box ready to integrate with over 40 different types of dispensers and a growing list of approved and certified POS installations. As a centralized data capturing device, Fusion gives retailers the ability to implement cloud-based wet-stock management, media, and future in-store applications to improve the efficiency of the business beyond the forecourt. The system is flexible and upgradeable.
The Fusion Automation Server is built for the rugged demands of the petroleum-retail environment as well as the evolving complexity of online security and hackers.
Fusion is implemented behind DFS managed firewalls and includes whitelisting capabilities that will only allow access to approved parties. With the help of the DFS Service Centers’ 24/7 remote support keeping an eye on your data, the Fusion automation server is built to withstand extreme temperatures, dust, and unwanted intruders.
By reducing hardware on site and simplifying networks, the Fusion Automation Server gives you the flexibility to control your deployment and operating costs. A single Fusion Automation Server can replace your:- Forecourt controller
- Automatic tank gauge (ATG) system
- Petroleum-Retail console
- Third-party proprietary controllers
- Wet-stock management data collection servers
- Media distribution servers
- Remote diagnostic data collection boxes
- IoT Gateway

We can offer Fusion in 3 degrees of complexity:
Fusion 1000 If you have an existing POS system, the Fusion 1000 forecourt controller is an easy way to connect with the forecourt today, with expansion capability for future upgrades. This off-the-shelf box easily connects your POS, ERP, and your dispensers, regardless of the manufacturer.
Fusion 3000 offers on-site but also remote connectivity with comprehensive web-reporting features. The Fusion 3000 forecourt controller gives you better control and visibility over your fueling station. If you need automation without electronic payment or require POS redundancy, the Fusion 3000 forecourt controller is the best choice for you.
Fusion 6000 Do you want full site automation with integration to third-party applications, plus electronic payment, both indoors and outdoors? Then you want the Fusion 6000 forecourt controller. It includes everything in the Fusion 3000 forecourt controller, plus it helps control aspects of electronic payments. In fact, the Fusion 6000 forecourt controller even processes credit card transactions separately from the POS system, taking much of the complexity and cost out of PCI compliance.
Clear view – fuel management software
This Wayne software helps us have a complete image, effortlessly, with details insight into your inventory and facilities. The ClearView solution harnesses the immense power of technology to replace estimation and uncertainty with data and answers.
The ClearView solution puts an entire world of valuable, money-saving information right at your fingertips. So, with the ClearView solution, you can analyze everything you need in order to reduce costs, drive down losses, gain peace of mind, maximize return on investment and grow your business.
ClearView Wetstock Management gives you access to real-time information, produces detailed system-wide reports, alerts you about leaks, reconciles deliveries, monitors meter calibration and the list goes on…

The system is distinguished by the following advantages:
- Its color touchscreen user interface is sleek, simple, and easy to understand
- Web-based connectivity allows for remote management, monitoring, and support and eliminates the need for costly technician dispatches for reprogramming or diagnostics
- The system delivers detailed alerts right to your email.
- Even the hardware is streamlined, simplified, yet very sensitive and accurate.
- The full-featured ATG utilizes ultrasonic technology on sensors and probes to deliver super-detailed, accurate information with lower maintenance costs and fewer false alerts. It features phase sensing, liquid sensing, discriminating, and can also detect leaks in the interstitial areas of tanks.
- The system’s multiplex probe and sensor wires mean only one home run is required and allows for easy, affordable retrofits. And no additional equipment or system upgrades are necessary for deployment.
Simply put, the Clear View solution harnesses the power of technology to get you the vital information you need, faster and easier than you ever imagined. We offer Clear view in 4 different configurations: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronz
- If you want it all—all the visibility, all the data, all the alerts, all the bells and whistles—then Platinum is for you.
- Real-time wet stock management is the key feature of the Gold package, as it facilitates a rapid response to delivery and leakage issues, reducing losses and the associated expenses. This level allows for intra-day reconciliation through the trading day to rapidly identify issues.
- The fast delivery of wet stock information and data provided by the ATG on-site and environmental monitoring allows for the quick identification and response to delivery, leak, and theft issues, reducing costs and liability. Silver level of service provides reconciliation on a daily basis to identify potential issues at the site.
- With the Bronze configuration, you’ll benefit from basic Statistic Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) for cost-effective leak detection for underground storage tanks and lines.

Wayne card payment solutions
iX Pay equipment for card pay
The fuel industry is undergoing some major retail changes. Banks and credit card issuers are officially transitioning to EMV global standards in order to help reduce counterfeit payment card fraud.
The card payment industry is responding to increasing financial data theft with regulations for payment devices that handle PIN authorized transactions. These standards affect all fuel retailers through the use of PIN-accepting payment devices.
Featuring an innovative modular design, iX Pay secure payment is available as an option for Helix fuel dispensers or as a retrofit kit for legacy Wayne and selected third party dispensers. It is also built on a technology foundation that integrates with our award-winning iX™ Technology Platform. Retailers can easily and cost-effectively adapt to security regulations while adding enhanced management, maintenance and marketing capabilities.
The main advantage of equipment with I X Pay softare is: Increased Security in order to Combat Increased Fraud:
Wayne understands that fuel dispensers are a crucial line of defense against identity and monetary theft. We also know how payment security regulations and the expense of compliance can affect your business. The “Wayne iX Pay Secure Payment” solution delivers advanced security in addition to investment-protecting flexibility and scalability.
Wayne EMV solutions are designed to do your transactions as easily and cost-effectively as possible. Wayne solutions rise much higher than simple EMV conformity. The advantage is that Wayne solution maintains a lower cost of ownership by building upon intelligent, future-proof technology – all preventing major financial losses.
The iX Pay secure payment platform has consistently been the first to meet the industry’s most stringent regulatory demands around the world to help deliver the highest level of payment security available. It was the first solution to receive Payment Card Industry PIN Transaction Security (PCI PTS) version 3.0 certification.
This solution is currently certified to the latest standards, PCI PTS version 4.0. It is compliant with global EMV 4.2 regulations. What’s more, the iX Pay secure payment solution is built on a single, global technology platform enabling configuration flexibility that easily meets specific regional requirements.
iSense – software de monitorizare la distanta
Noua soluție software de monitorizare la distanta Wayne iSense ofera actualizari în timp real a datelor din bezinarie, informații actualizate despre starea echipamentelor si situația vanzarilor. Ea extinde functiile serverului de automatitazare POS Fusion în cloud. Toate printr-o soluție noua, cu baza in cloud, care lucrează cu sistemul de gestiune Wayne Fusion. Cu monitorizarea la distanța iSense, poți sa urmărești/modifici preturile, solicitarile de mentenanta, debite de livrare carburanti, etc. Din virtual pretutindeni. Pentru retelele de statii soluția i Sense ofera urmatoarele avantaje:- Actualizari proactive si alerte in timp real pentru statii multiple.
- Personalizare ușoară printr-o interfata prietenoasa.
- Suport tehnic 24-ore prin Wayne Network Operation Center.
- Proiectare modulara pentru actualizari ușoare în viitor atât in technologie cât și în servicii cu platforma, Wayne Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG).