Why cleaning fuel tanks?
All fuel contains water in a greater or lesser proportion.
Diesel contains Biodiesel, a component that induces the emergence and growth of bacteria and fungus.
Because of the action that water, and bacteria/fungus has; in time debris might appear inside the fuel tanks.
This debris can be transferred into the vehicles engine and could produce major damages.
In the same way debris block filters, create damages to the pumping units and flow-meters inside fuel dispensers and on ATG probes, decreased delivery flow-rate and the reduces tanks operation life.
a) Aquafighter system for Diesel/ Bio-diesel
What is it Aquafighter?
The Aquafighter® technology is a fabric tank absorber that removes 100% of both bound water and free water from diesel fuel to 60ppm. Aquafighter® remains in the diesel tank and continually keeps the tank free of all water at all times preventing diesel bug and other issues related to water content in the fuel and condensation.Scope of use
Whether used as an automation controller, automated fuel inventory (ATG) interface, for fuel management, media deliveries, remote management or as a POS automation server, Fusion offers a flexible and extensible solution for distribution station operators. car fuels.Providing the basis for customer configuration and remote download solutions, Fusion is the customer-centric solution that can be developed with the needs of your business.

1.Purified diesel tank, free of free water

2.Purified diesel tank, free of bound water

3.Purified diesel tank, free of bacteria (from bio-diesel)

4.Purified diesel tank, free of fungus (from bio-diesel)
System Advantages:
For fuel stations and professional tank cleaners, Aquafighter® will restore “gray diesel” into on-spec diesel for resale and reduce the amount of waste diesel up to 90%!
- keeps diesel tank completely free of water all times
- the only solution for removal of bio- bound water from bio-diesel content in the fuel tank
- eliminates bacteria and microbial growth (diesel bug)
- an Aquafighter canvas filter keeps tank water free more that 2 years under common conditions
- reduces tank corrosion
- reduces tank cleaning and maintenance (water extraction from bottom tank, storage for separation, transport of waste hydro-carbonates to incinerators)
- makes savings of diesel, reducing sewage fuel quantity it is an economic solution which works slowly in time
How can be used it?
Aquafighter® canvas filter has to simply be entered in the fuel tank through the largest cover opening and will remain inside keeping diesel free water.
In normal circumstances, with canvas filter, right choice, a filter works for 1-2 years.
The larger canvas filter Aquafighter is designed for fuel depots and terminals or other very large tanks for diesel storage.
This depot Aquafighter® filter will be suspended from the top of the tank and isolate bound water that collects within the tank. As this Aquafighter® Depot will remain in the tank at all times, it will assure “zero water” within the bulk fuel at all time.